Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tom Clancy's The Division closed beta assessment

Overall assessment on Tom Clancy's The Division closed beta weekend.

Managed to play Tom Clancy's The Division closed beta thru out the weekend and found the game to be fun. I enjoyed the PVE content, the missions all had guides and indicators on where to go. There was one mission that was repeatable with variable difficultly level (normal / hard). The Hard mode made the mission very challenging even with a full squad. My only worries about PVE content is with the building up of your main base of operations. What happens when all the upgrades are finished? What does the end game PVE content look like? I'm not quite sure how it will turn out, its a wait and see.

As for the PVP elements in the game via the Dark Zone area, I found this to be a unique experience with many unknowns on how players will react around you. Majority of the time people went rogue was at the extraction points. They would wait for people to start the extract process to launch attacks.

The Dark Zone area also has a bunch of high areas that squads can create choke points. Some of the ways up to these high areas are via ropes. All a squad has to do is to camp the rope areas as people come up. I have a feeling these choke points will not be that effective when players get full access to all the different skills and talents.

The beta client also had many minor bugs resulting in issues with players going invulnerable or invisible. I also experienced many small graphic bugs with the beta due to being in window mode.  They seem to have a issue that has been identified already and hopefully will be resolved by game launch.

I haven't bought the game yet, I'm waiting to see if Nvidia has a promotion for the game with the purchase of a new video card. Similar to how I managed to get a free copy of Watch Dogs, I bought a Nvidia GTX 780 TI Card and they gave a free copy of the game!

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